April 15 is fast approaching, which means that Delaware County residents need to make sure that their income tax returns are completed and submitted to the Internal Revenue Service as soon as possible. Tax preparation can be complicated, and many people seek outside assistance with their taxes. The more popular options for tax preparation are a licensed professional like an accountant, tax preparation websites, or the tax payer completing the return themselves.
Completing tax returns can be critical for low-income individuals and families. First of all, avoiding submission of your income tax returns can lead to problems with the IRS, which eventually could lead to legal issues. Second of all, proper tax preparation can give low-income individuals and families money back, as well as help save money in the long run. Learning how to prepare taxes and meeting with a trusted professional can only aid those who find themselves in a dire financial state.
There is help here in Delaware County. The Delaware County Asset Development group is a coalition of community organizations that help provide families with an income less than $50,000 with free tax preparation. The coalition and its partner agencies run several VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) sites throughout the County that you can find here.
If you are eligible, take advantage of these resources. These services can aid you with not only your tax preparation, but give you the knowledge to prepare your own taxes as well.
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