Monday, January 17, 2011

How Has MLK Influenced You? -- Steven T. Coleman

Unite Way of Southeast Delaware County is bringing the the MLK Day event to you live. We are having people bringing you their views, opinions and feelings about the MLK Day event. They are also sharing their thoughts and feelings about MLK and how he has influenced them.

2:00PM Today we have Steven T. Coleman...


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has influenced me by promoting diversity and equality for everyone. Judging a person by their character instead of their appearance is apart of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s message. College is full of students from various backgrounds. These backgrounds include race, gender, sexuality, religion and social class. The friends I have made have different backgrounds, but all are mature human beings. We learn from one another and appreciate each other’s perspectives about life. Dr. King preaches this in numerous speeches. In his “I have a Dream “ speech mentions holding hands and embracing each other. My group of friends personify is theme. We call ourselves “OPA.” OPA stands for Over Powering Adversity. We met in our freshman year and now consider ourselves family till this day. The group has grown as well as our message about supporting on another no matter who you are. Life has many road bocks that may be difficult to overcome by yourself. However, we stick together and comfort one another. Dr. King’s influence is apart of what our friendship is about. The friendship has impacted my college, Widener University, as well as people I meet day to day. There is a lesser focus on how a person appears, but more so on how a person acts.

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